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National Professional Organizations

National Professional Organizations

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages is the only national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction. ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 7,000 foreign language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. ACTFL organizes an annual conference, publishes the journal Foreign Language Annals, and offers a Special Interest Group (SIG) for dual language/immersion educators.

Association canadienne des professeurs d'immersion/Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers (ACPI/ CAIT)
ACPI/ CAIT is a professional non-profit association aims to promote and improve Immersion programs in Canada and provides professional development opportunities for immersion teachers. ACPI/CAIT offers a newsletter and annually sponsors both a summer institute and a conference.

Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education (ATDLE)
The organization is led by experienced two-way bilingual immersion educators and administrators from throughout California. ATDLE hosts the National Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Conference each summer and provides professional support for TWBI programs throughout the country.

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)
CASLT promotes the advancement of second language learning and teaching, including immersion, throughout Canada by creating opportunities for professional development, by encouraging research, and by facilitating the sharing of information and the exchange of ideas among second language and immersion educators.

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) is one of the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI National Language Resource Centers, whose role is to improve the nation's capacity to teach and learn foreign languages effectively. CARLA offers annual summer institutes specifically targeted at the needs of immersion educators.

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
CAL is a private, non-profit organization that carries out a wide range of activities including research, teacher education, analysis and dissemination of information, design and development of instructional materials, technical assistance, conference planning, program evaluation, and policy analysis. They sponsor up-to-date directories of U.S. total and partial immersion programs & two-way immersion programs. In addition, CAL maintains an extensive array of research-based information on two-way immersion programs in the U.S.

Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network (CELIN)
CELIN was established to strengthen and expand Chinese language education in early childhood, primary grades, and immersion programs. With a focus on Chinese language education, we convene and work together with practitioners, researchers, policy makers, parents, and advocates for language learning across the United States and beyond.

Colorín Colorado
Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs).

Dual Language Education of New Mexico (DLeNM)
Dual Language Education of New Mexico is a state-based organization created to promote the effective design and implementation of dual language models as defined in New Mexico Best Practices for Dual Language Program's Handbook. This organization is known for its annual fall conference La Cosecha and its participation in developing standards and best practices for two-way immersion. More recent initiatives include professional development and continuing education for immersion professionals and the community members they serve.

Dual Language Immersion Research Alliance
The Alliance is a network of K-12 practitioners and education researchers seeking to advance quality and build capacity in dual language immersion learning by identifying core features and variables for quality implementation. This network seeks to develop and carry out a rigorous research agenda on topics that matter to all schools involved in, or planning to be involved in, dual language learning.

Gaelscoileanna is an Irish national organization promoting Irish immersion education. They publish a newsletter (in Irish) three times each year, host an annual conference, and provide a network among Irish immersion schools.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
NABE is the only national organization exclusively concerned with the education of language-minority students in American schools and actively works to promote educational excellence and equity through bilingual education. NABE sponsors an annual conference and the organization publishes a journal and an online newsletter. The NABE website includes answers to frequently asked questions about bilingual education.

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
NCELA supports the U.S. Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA) by collecting, coordinating, and conveying a broad range of research and resources in support of an inclusive approach to high quality education for ELs. NCELA publishes Nexus, a semimonthly e-newsletter to share new resources, upcoming events, and other announcements, and provide links to opportunities for jobs, education, and funding related to the education of ELs and the EL community.

National Dual Language Forum (NDLF)
Initially established in 2006 as the National Dual Language Consortium, the mission of the National Dual Language Forum (NDLF) is to promote the benefits of dual language education and foster collaboration among key organizations and individuals dedicated to dual language and bilingual education across the country. The consortium has two distinct activities: hosting of a dedicated website of information and resources and developing white papers on important issues in dual language and bilingual education.

National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL)
NNELL is an organization for educators involved in teaching foreign languages to children and provides leadership, support, and service to those committed to early language learning and coordinates efforts to make language learning in programs of excellence a reality for all children. The NNELL journal Learning Languages is published three times a year (fall, winter, and spring).